décembre 06, 2008

some more.

At the moment i am working on panels which represent 8 great buddhist masters of India.We have already finished image of Asanga,Nagarjuna is nearly finished.Other 6 panel are in work.


Ita was of the last wishes of Hanna Nydal to have this painting in Copenhagen center.



During last summer we were invited to Copenhagen to paint Dewatchen on a big wall of Diamant Way Buddhist Center. It was really great experience! Huge Amitabha as a luminous mountain!

At the moment central figures of Amitabha ,Chenrezig and Vajrapani are finished and protectirs which are down we are going to finish next year.


pictures from wonderful painting course in Karelia

Statue painting.

We are doing a lot of statue painting.From time to time we travel Norbu to different buddhist centers in order to teach people how to paint statues.

One of the places i will never forget is Mahakala mountain near Bodhagya.

We are drawing auspicious signs in front of Karma Temple,Bodhgaya.


We had a rare opportunity given by Beru Kyentse Rimpoche to participate in the painting of Mahakala room in Bodhgaya.We have finished this work in November 2006.Karmapa blessed this room during Kagyu Mönlam in 2006.


Bernard is controlling our work.


Nearly 5 years we were working on thanka of Dewatchen.It was really a joy to be in Dewatchen for such a long time! Now this thanka is in Europa center,Germany. You can also see some detail more close.Look at the gold work!

Olga and her paintings.

Here is Masha she is our embroidress and also she works with brocades.

décembre 05, 2008

All our group with Karmapa!

My freinds.

Now in France we have a place with different art workshops where we all learning tibetan art and also producing some art pieces for the temple of Le Bost and for the different biddhist centers everywhere in the world. I would like to show you my freinds who participate in this project.



Here you can see me working on the landscape of the thanka of Gampopa and then you can see all the thanka finished.